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Hasan Jashari

18 June 2020

UWC South East Asia (2018-2020)

"Going to UWC was the most life-changing experience in my life. Ever since I left for UWCSEA in Singapore, I have continuously been pushed out of my comfort zone, to try new things and learn. The past two years have gone by so fast. It is really hard to explain to someone how important and meaningful this experience was to me. I had the chance to meet and interact with people from all around the world in and outside the classroom. From late-night study sessions with friends, to heated discussions about current events in the common room and cultural celebrations where we danced and sang. UWC was a roller coaster of emotions, but one I would wait in line for again. I have also been giving so many important life-skills and I have grown as a person. I am way more likely to stand up for what I believe in and UWC has been instrumental into making me to the person I am today. I am extremely grateful I have been given this opportunity and I will continue to carry out the mission wherever I go.